COVID Fantasy Football Team Names
These COVID fantasy football team names were co-authored by Jimmy Brown, Evan Hoovler, Jason Lu, and Bryan Sclar
Please note: We are in no way making fun of the plague that is ravaging the entire world. We’re simply giving you some cutesy fantasy football team names on a current topic, as we always have. Thanks. We love you.
- Social Christiancing
- Michelter in Place
- Olsential Employee
- Tagovailovid-19
- Shepardemic
- Chasemptomatic
- Cooperspreader
- Drewhan Flu
- Dwayne Maskins
- StimuLutz Checks
- Moore Tests = Moore Chases
- Never Leaving Mahomes
- Flattening Tucker-ve
- Quaranteenan Allen
- Goreonavirus
That’s our list of Covid fantasy football team names, enjoy!
This is the part where I have to make this article at least 300 words so search engines don’t mistake this article for a robot and not index it.
You know, like when you’re looking up a recipe on the Internet and you find it, but first you have to scroll through hundreds of words by Grilling Gal about how her husband loved the taste of Awesome Blossom but his severely colorful language makes it impossible to go to a restaurant without getting called out for being racist so now she recreates the recipe for fried onion-strings shaped into a semi-sphere and adds a special blend of salt made from her own tears and last week her friend Sharon came over and was blown away by the recipe and insisted it be put online and come to think of it Grilling Gal’s husband sure seems to scream the C-word a lot less when Sharon is around but there’s probably nothing to that but what if there is?
This is a whole lotta that.
Check out our other fantasy football team names lists:
2020 Rookie Team Names: This Is No Jordanary Love
New Year’s and Hannukah Team Names
Team Names: Bob Marley Edition
[This is where I have to give a photo credit to the fair-use photo I selected so some unscrupulous individual doesn’t try to extort us and claim it’s really their picture of a giant ball of yarn with hotels from the Ancient Egyptian version of Monopoly stuck in it and ask for some ridiculous amount of money like $5,000 or $25,000 or $400 to which we reply “I have deleted the photo in question from our database, best of luck in your career harassing people on the Internet who use your photos”]
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