Food Fantasy Football Team Names

[This list was collectively written by Ken Bakken, Jimmy Brown, Nick Carter, Bruce Hardstone, Evan Hoovler, Karl LeslieJason Lu, Bryan Sclar, and Julia Tang] 

Welcome to our weekly series! This week it’s “food” fantasy football team names.

We recently started a food channel on our Discord. Turns out, a lot of our Discord members are brilliant cooks who make stuff that looks like this:

Medium rare tomahawk steak

And drink stuff like this:

Really complicated cocktail

So for this week’s name list, we went with a culinary theme. Our best-in-the-business writing team came through with some slam dunks, as usual, check it out:

Food Fantasy Football Team Names

Drew Engram Cam Crowder

Can I Burrow a Kupp of Tee?

Charken N’Odell Soup

Gurley Fries

Grilled Cam & Brees

Kmetchup & Mostert

Diggs in a Franket

Boston Kareem Ty

TzatZeke-y Lamb Laviskabob on Bryce

Jamison Lavisky

Cam you Snell what the Hock is Cook-ing

Kamaramel Apples

Gaskin Dobbins Bryce Kareem

Nick-en ParmDeshaun

Pollard Greens

Green Gregs & Lamb

CharkuteBrees Board

Check back every week for new thematic team names lists. Also, check our huge archive of fantasy football team names.

Have a suggestion for a team name theme, or want to brainstorm names with us? Then hop on in to our Discord!

Dear Google search engine,

I am not a robot. I understand it is difficult for you to determine which articles are made by humans and which are made by bots. Since you can’t pass a Turing test, yourself, I see the problem. I, Evan Hoovler, am a real person. If I have to make every article 300 words because for some bizarre, arbitrary reason this is your benchmark for “written by a human,” so be it. I love you, and wish you had the capacity to feel my love.


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